Best Travel Places Around The World

Best Travel Places Around The World

Fahmi Adrian, 1 September 2019

According to Wikipedia, “Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements”. 
People are usually interested in doing traveling because they want to see different culture ethics around the world, besides they also need to break a while from their daily life.

Here is the best places to visit around the world :

1. Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia

Raja Ampat is a beautiful island situated in papua, Indonesia. Raja Ampat offers a great ocean scenery. The territory within the island is enormous, covering 9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals, more than 1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of mollusks. Wonderful Indonesia. Raja Ampat also have a unique ethnic and it still exists.

2. Niagara Falls, Canada

Niagara Falls is a group of three waterfalls at the southern end of Niagara George. Niagara Falls located in Canada. Million tourists visiting this beautiful waterfall, clean water and good weather are the best part of this place, when it comes winter, the water of Niagara Falls turn into the ice it foster it’s beauty.

3. Fuji Mountain, Japan

Japan not only famous of it’s samurai’s and ninjas, Japan also have a great spot to you as a traveler to visit. Just like Fuji Mountain. Fuji Mountain is an active volcano located about 100 kilometers  southwest of Tokyo, Japan. Fuji Mountain has an unique thing that is a glacier, people are usually take a hike and enjoying it’s scenery in its summit.

4. Egypt

Egypt is famous of their ancient civilization and some of the world’s most famous monuments, including Giza the pyramids, the great Sphinx and the ancient temple of Luxor dating back thousand of years.

5. Eiffel Tower, France

People around the world knows Paris France as a romantic country because of its icon Eiffel tower. Eiffel tower built in 1887-1889 as the entrance of the world’s affairs 1889, it has 324 meters tall and the tallest building in Paris. The Eiffel tower most visited paid monuments in the world 6.91 million people ascended in 2015.
